Infidelity Recovery in Austin, Tx
THE CRISIS – Infidelity/Affair/Cheating/Adultery
You thought you had an understanding with your partner/spouse that excluded having a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone outside your relationship/marriage.

Ask about Dual-Focus Relationship Therapy
Few feelings can compare to trauma of betrayal. Even death is often easier to deal with. Being betrayed wounds at the deepest level of our being, so deeply, you may question whether your relationship can heal.
How can you ever trust again?
With Carolyn you will sort through the myriads of feelings that come from betrayal and Carolyn will help you chart a path to recovery, either individually or as a couple. You will determine whether it is best to end the relationship or stay. If wish to stay in the relationship with your partner 5 things must happen.
The partner who has cheated:
1. Must have believable & genuine remorse
2. Must have acquired new behaviors based on "why they cheated."
3. Must compensate their partner--what's important to their partner becomes important to them
4. Must build a new relationship with their partner that includes honesty, transparency, and cherishing.
5. Must be able to attune to their partner's negative emotions--awareness, turning towards, tolerance, understand, non-defensive responses, and empathy.
If you decide to stay together, you will also learn how to affair-proof your relationship.
If you decide the end the relationship, Carolyn will help you move on alone. That requires self-compassion, time, and healing. Carolyn will help you focus on rebuilding your self-esteem, setting personal goals, and surrounding yourself with supportive people. Therapy with Carolyn can help you process emotions and develop healthy coping strategies. Gradually, you'll regain your sense of self and trust in your own journey.
Book a session today with Carolyn at 512-919-2069