Marriage Counseling in Austin, Tx
What happened to “happily ever after?”

Ask about Dual-Focus Relationship Therapy
In marriage counseling you can learn how to make your marriage last.
You can learn if you’re doing the two most important things couples do to feel marital satisfaction.
You can learn if you’re doing the two most corrosive things you can do to the marriage.
You can learn what predicts the end of a marriage and how to avoid those things.
You can learn what can heal past hurts.
You can learn how to build a bright future for your marriage.
With Carolyn you will learn the Gottman Method of making your marriage the best it can be. John Gottman has been researching marriage since 1972. The information you will learn isn’t pop psychology, or TV/Media psychology. What you will learn comes from THE most reliable research ever done on marital satisfaction. Call today to schedule 512-919-2069