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Infidelity Recovery

THE CRISIS – Infidelity/Affair/Cheating/Adultery

You thought you had an understanding with your partner/spouse that excluded having a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone outside your relationship/marriage.

couple dealing with infidelity

Few feelings can compare to betrayal. Even death is often easier to deal with. Being betrayed wounds at the deepest level of our being, so deeply, you may question whether your relationship can heal. How could you ever trust again?


With Carolyn you will sort through the myriad of feelings that come from betrayal and she will help you chart a path to recovery. You will determine whether it is best to end the relationship or stay with your partner using the methods of Janis Spring’s After the Affair & How Can I Forgive You, and also, John Gottman’s The Science of Trust. If you decide to stay together, you will also learn how to affair-proof your relationship. Book a session today 512-919-2069

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